You would thing that WPPD (Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day for those who have not been paying attention) would be all about pinhole photography, right? Well yes, but mostly know. For me this year, WPPD was all about the people. These are people I am delighted and privileged to be able to call my friends. These are people I ate, drank, swore, bowled, drove and photographed with. These are the people that make a lie of the fact that the internet stops you from making real connections. These are the people of WPPD.
Made with a Fuji GF670 on Fuji Pro 400H
I'm pretty certain that here we have Gretchen and Zeb, possibly with Donna, at times it was all a bit of a blur.
Made with a Fuji GF670 on Fuji Pro 400H
This is Herschel, otherwise known as Square Peg Pinhole. Herschel is a co-host on the Pinhole Podcast, an all round good egg and a git. We also bonded in a disturbing way that ended up with us giggling like children, playing pinball and generally having a blast.
Made with a Fuji GF670 on Fuji Pro 400H
This is Jeff, who is also an all round good egg and co-host of The Pinhole Podcast (I remembered to link it this time). Jeff likes beer and sports...we were guaranteed to get on. When in Seattle Jeff took me (and others) to a place where you can eat pizza the size of your face.
Made with a Fuji GF670 on Fuji Pro 400H
This is Penny, Penny is possibly one of the greatest Polaroid Photographers there least that I am aware of. Penny is also awesome (and a good egg...I need to move on from that phrase). She gave me fantastic advice for getting better results from my Supersense 66/6. In return I made her photo when she was tired (it was 06:30, we had been drinking the night before), not a great way to repay someone...sorry Penny.
Made with a Zero Image 69MF on Fuji Reala 100
These are some other pinhole photographers, too numerous to name and too awesome for words. If you search the interwebs for Pacific Northwest pinhole photographers you will find work by these people. They are wonderful...oh, and if you look carefully you might see a parrot.
Made with a Zero Image 69MF on Fuji Reala 100
This is Todd, otherwise known as The Schlem. As well as being an incredible photographer (though he would deny that) Todd is the guru of 3D printed pinhole cameras. The designs are made available to all on Thingiverse, and I can vouch for the quality of the cameras.
Made with a Fuji GF670 on Fuji Pro 400H
These are photographers under the St John's bridge (I think it's called that, it's big and pointy). Lots of people take awesome photos of this bridge, I got more excited by some rust nearby and then a really marvellous coldbrew coffee from St John's Coffee Roasters...which probably means I got the name of the bridge right.
Made with a Fuji GF670 on Fuji Pro 400H
This is Carla, we enjoyed the rust together...there's even a little bit of rust behind her. Carla likes Minolta...a lot...I mean really a lot. As well as bonding over rust we tried to avoid speaking about work...we have similar real life distractions. If you take a look at Carla's Flickr you will be able to see what she did with that Minolta.
Made with a Fuji X100T
This is Kelly, Kelly is very lucky in that she also hails from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We interviewed Kelly for The Pinhole Podcast and next thing we knew Kelly was booking her trip to WPPD. Why did we interview Kelly? Well, she is the genius behind The Pop-Up Pinhole Company. Oh, and she is also a good egg (yep, I've gone back to that).
Made with a Fuji GF670 on Fuji Pro 400H
...and finally, this is Jana Obscura. Also a co-host of The Pinhole Podcast, also a thoroughly good egg. Jana loves her Rolleiflex as well as her pinhole cameras. She also loves her mobile phone and is trying desperately hard here not to freak out as the single was down to one bar. Jana gets two photos as very small thanks, if having me making pictures of you is a good thing. Thanks because Jana ferried me all over the Pacific Northwest during my trip.
So, there were the people of WPPD, I shall share the scenes of WPPD in a future post. Oh, and I guess you are wondering where the pinhole photographs are...well simply head over to